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CARVER ELEMENTARY, Port Arthur Independent School District, TX

General Information

You can order a copy of student records on this site (Transcripts, Immunization Records, Graduation Verifications, etc.). If you are looking for a different school in this district, please select the district name in the top left corner of this page and you will be directed to the District's central records office.

Back to Port Arthur Independent School District Records

The Following May Be Requested by Alumni: must meet ALL requirements
Official High School Transcript $1.00 (transcript) + $5.00 (processing fee) = $6.00 (total)
Official Middle School Transcript $1.00 (transcript) + $5.00 (processing fee) = $6.00 (total)
Official Elementary School Transcript $1.00 (transcript) + $5.00 (processing fee) = $6.00 (total)
Enrollment History (Texas Only)                $11.00 (transcript) + $5.00 (processing fee) = $16.00 (total)
Birth Certificate $10.00 (transcript) + $5.00 (processing fee) = $15.00 (total)
Immunization Record $5.00 (transcript) + $5.00 (processing fee) = $10.00 (total)

 There is an $5.00 convenience fee per order.


The Following May Be Requested by Corporations / Universities / Attorneys:
Official High School Transcript $12.00 (transcript) + $5.00 (processing fee) = $17.00 (total)
Verification of Graduation $12.00 (transcript) + $5.00 (processing fee) = $17.00 (total)
Verification of Attendance $12.00 (transcript) + $5.00 (processing fee) = $17.00 (total)

 There is an additional $5.00 convenience fee per order.


The Following May NOT Be Requested:
  • We cannot provide replacement diplomas.
  •          To obtain GED records, please contact the Texas Education Agency at: 1.800.626.9433

For More Information, Contact:

Port Arthur ISD
Records Department
Thomas Jefferson Middle School-Media Center
2200 Jefferson Drive
Port Arthur, TX 77624

Phone: 409.989.6173

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM